At Cardinal LifeCare Consulting, we assist attorneys working on cases involving an allegation that a catastrophic injury such as an SCI stemmed from some sort of negligence. Our experts create objective, evidence-based life care plans and can provide medical expert witness services for either side of such a case. Read on to learn more about what spinal cord injury rehabilitation may entail, and call us at 724-487-0519 for more information on how our services may benefit a particular case you are working on.
Spinal Cord Injury Recovery Time
Establishing a new normal and reaching optimal recovery following a life-altering spinal cord injury takes time and ongoing care. Depending on the location of the injury and how severely it affects the patient, they may require different types and levels of support. Thus, it is important for each patient to have an individualized care plan to ensure their unique needs will be accounted and provided for.
A life care plan is a document outlining a patient’s care needs (and associated costs) over time, based on their personal injuries and other factors. In order to compile this plan, a legal nursing consultant will review the case in depth, meet with the patient and/or their care providers and perform the necessary research to determine their needs and what it will cost to fulfill them.
Life care planning professionals can also project a patient’s spinal cord injury recovery time and provide an overview of how the patient’s injury is likely to affect them in the short and long term, given its severity and other patient-specific details.
Common treatment modalities which may be part of a life care plan for a patient with an SCI include:
- Physical and/or occupational therapy;
- Mobility aids and other assistive devices;
- Treatment for bowel/bladder control issues;
- Support for respiration issues;
- Treatment of secondary conditions, such as muscle spasms or pressure ulcers;
- Counseling for depression or other mental health issues; and
- Ongoing care for problems with bodily function or limb control.
A comprehensive life care plan can be instrumental in demonstrating a patient’s care requirements and justifying the demand amount needed for them to achieve the highest possible quality of life with an SCI or another serious injury. Further, enlisting a medical expert witness to testify and explain the need for various interventions – during settlement negotiations or trial – can help to strengthen a case immensely.
Partner with Cardinal LifeCare for Valuable Insight on Personal Injury Cases
To lawyers across the nation, Cardinal LifeCare offers a network of medical legal specialists with extensive knowledge of various types of SCIs and other personal injuries. Our credentialed experts have a reputation for providing defendable, research-backed life care plans. If you’d like to discuss a case you are working on and how we may be able to assist, you can reach us at 724-487-0519.