If you are a lawyer working on a case involving an individual who has sustained a TBI, a comprehensive nursing care plan can be a vital asset to support your case. Cardinal LifeCare Consulting connects law firms nationwide with licensed legal nurse consultants who specialize in the creation of objective, evidence-based nursing care plans for those with life-altering injuries. To learn more about our valuable services for legal professionals, call us at 724-487-0519 today.
Psychological and Emotional Recovery from TBIs
Depending on the severity of the injury and other individual factors, the aftermath of a TBI can look quite different for different patients. Along with clearly apparent physical effects – such as reduced mobility and speech problems – a TBI can also bring about less obvious emotional/psychological changes, including:
- Memory problems;
- Personality changes;
- Depression;
- Anxiety;
- Lost or diminished sense of identity;
- Mood swings; and/or
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Depending on the patient’s unique circumstances, various interventions may be recommended to support their emotional recovery from TBI. This might include visiting a therapist or psychiatrist for counseling/treatment, or seeing other medical professionals who specialize in helping TBI patients.
Rely On Cardinal LifeCare for Expert Life Care Plan Creation & Related Services
Regardless of the short- and long-term treatments needed to help a patient recover and adapt, TBI rehabilitation can quickly become astoundingly costly. An individualized nursing care plan will provide research- and evidence-based justification for all suggested nursing interventions, along with associated costs. This document – along with the testimony of a medical expert witness – can be instrumental to demonstrate the need for certain treatments and strengthen a patient’s personal injury case as a whole.
To discuss how our certified nurse life care planners and medical expert witnesses may be able to assist with a particular case you are working on, reach out to us at 724-487-0519.