At Cardinal LifeCare, we offer a team of medical legal experts who provide objective, evidence-based life care plans, vocational evaluations and other valuable services for all types of personal injury cases. To learn more about why law firms across the U.S. consult us, read on or call us at 724-487-0519.
Vocational Medical Legal Experts
In the event that an individual alleges they are too injured to perform the functions their work demands and are thus entitled to damages or insurance benefits, insurance companies will want to review the case for evidence to verify or disprove this claim. This includes investigating how the patient’s injury affects them currently – and how it is likely to in the future – in terms of their ability to function and work, their earning capacity, etc.
In a vocational evaluation, a consultant will perform a detailed review of these factors. Drawing on their expertise in the areas of earning capacity, rehabilitation and hireability, they will consider the claimant’s circumstances and connect medical evidence with economic reports and the implications of the person’s injury/disability.
Our licensed legal nurse consultants can provide a vocational assessment in all manner of injury cases, including those relating to:
- Back pain and injuries;
- Head and spinal injuries;
- Shoulder and neck pain;
- Knee injuries;
- Broken bones;
- Burn injuries;
- Breathing/lung issues;
- And more.
By answering questions pertaining to the claimant’s ability to earn a living in light of their condition, a vocational expert can help substantiate their demand amount (or define the appropriate value of the case, if different than the demand amount). They may also be called upon to present these findings in court, educating the jury on the impacts of the claimant’s injury on their employability and adjacent aspects.
If the claimant’s disability is predicted to prompt ongoing medical expenses and care requirements, our medical legal experts can also provide a detailed life care plan outlining their current and future needs plus associated costs.
Cardinal LifeCare: Your Trusted Ally in Injury Cases
At Cardinal LifeCare, our professionals are proud to deliver unparalleled expertise, credentials, professionalism and attention to detail for injury cases nationwide. If you are interested in scheduling a consultation to discuss how using our life planning and vocational resources may be of benefit to a case you are working on, reach out to us at 724-487-0519.